Triaging modern Android devices (aka android_triage bash script)

When dealing with mobile devices, you need to follow a procedure that includes various stages from identification to reporting. One of the key-point in this process is the acquisition, where we extract a copy of the data stored in the mobile device. 

While evaluating your acquisition method, you should always consider the old but gold rule of the order of volatility (RFC 3227 - "When collecting evidence you should proceed from the volatile to the less volatile").

Our general goal is to obtain a physical dump of the internal memory, from the very first to the very last bit. On most modern smartphone devices, where file-based encryption (FBE) is in use, a full file system is typically our "best evidence". 

These extraction methods often rely on vulnerabilities and exploits (either at the hardware or the software level) developed to overcome device security. We use various tools and techniques and sometimes also a physical approach.

In some cases, especially for recent chipsets or operating system versions, there's no public solution to obtain a physical or a full file system dump. In those cases, we have to rely on (and we are limited to) communication options provided by the device. 

On Android devices, in particular, we mostly rely on:

  1. ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
  2. MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) 
  3. Manufacturer backup tools like Samsung SmartSwitch and Huawei HiSuite

On the ADB side, most of the commercial tools use four methods:

  1. ADB Backup: the tool executes the "adb backup" command, with some possible variations among the different tools. This typically doesn't include native and third-party apps data: every single app can specify in the AndroidManifest file (android:allowBackup parameter) if its data should be included or not in an ADB backup. An Android Backup typically includes the sdcard (emulated storage) content and some native databases
  2. Agent: the tool installs an agent (basically, an APK file) that requests permissions to read native application data, in particular Contacts, Call Log, and SMS/MMS. After GDPR, Google changed its permissions policy and introduced a restriction in reading call log and SMS only to the default handler: this required some changes in the flow used by most forensics tools 
  3. ADB Screenshot: the tool leverages the ADB feature that allows taking a screenshot of the device. In this way, also third-party apps can be "screenshotted" and then processed in the tool, by using some image analysis techniques, to parse the content and make it readable and searchable 
  4. APK Downgrade: the tool uninstalls the actual version of a third-party package (app) by preserving user data, and installs a previous version of the same package where the android:allowBackup parameter is set to "true". The tool creates an ADB Backup that includes the specific app and then reinstalls the actual app version. 
The Android Debug Bridge is, in reality, more powerful than this, as it allows us to obtain a shell without root privileges. In this shell you can run commands (both Linux-native and Android-specific) and pull files and folders from the device (where root privileges are not required).

Over the years, various opensource tools and scripts leveraging ADB were published. Among the others, I strongly suggest you to take a look at:
In this complex scenario, it's difficult to answer the question: 

Am I getting the "best evidence" from this mobile device with my tools?

I would say, no.

Just as a simple example, by using the native Android command "dumpsys usagestats" you can obtain information about apps usage, including deleted ones (same concept of the "/usagestats/" folder in a full file system acquisition). 

None of the four methods used by forensic tools can provide you this information.

Inspired by previous works and after reading a lot of literature on the topic (including the new Android Internals book), I decided to write a simple bash script, called android_triage that leverages ADB at its maximum level

The script was developed with the precious support of my dear friend Giovanni Rattarto, the Tsurugi Project founder. It was tested on Linux and Mac OS X and it only has two requirements: the ADB executable for the specific platform and the dialog command (instructions for Mac OS X available here).

  • This script is only for testing purposes 
  • It requires an unlocked device (not protected with a passcode or with known passcode) 
  • ADB must be active on the device and the device must be paired with the host
  • The script doesn't install or uninstall any APK and so it's not able to extract, for example, Call Logs, SMS messages, Third-party apps data, and so on
Please test it and provide feedbacks, as we want to improve the script over the time by adding commands and adjusting them based on various Android manufacturers and OS versions. 

Once downloaded, you need to make the script executable (chmod +x and then you need to connect the device. 

Before executing the script, you need to allow ADB communication between the mobile device and your host by pairing them

There are various ways to do this: probably the easiest one is to execute adb reconnect

You can always check the pairing status by executing the adb devices command: when you see the "device" message, it means that the pairing was successful.

Once the device is properly connected, you can execute the script.

If the ADB command is not found in the path or in the script folder, the script will prompt the error message shown in figure.

If the device is not properly connected or paired, the script will prompt the error message shown in figure.

Option 1 - Collect Basic Information

This option collects basic information about the device by executing the following commands:
  • adb shell getprop
  • adb shell settings list system
  • adb shell settings list secure
  • adb shell settings list global
It also generates the "device_info.txt" file, containing relevant information about the device:
  • Device Manufacturer (adb shell getprop ro.product.manufacturer)
  • Device Product (adb shell getprop ro.product.model)
  • Android ID (adb shell settings get secure android_id)
  • Android Serial Number (adb shell getprop ril.serialnumber)
  • Product Code (adb shell getprop ro.product.code)
  • Product Device (adb shell getprop ro.product.device)
  • Product Name (adb shell getprop
  • Chipname (adb shell getprop ro.chipname)
  • Android Version (adb shell getprop
  • Android Fingerprint (adb shell getprop
  • Build date (adb shell getprop
  • Build ID (adb shell
  • Bootloader Version (adb shell ro.boot.bootloader)
  • Security Patch (adb shell
  • Bluetooth Address (adb shell settings get secure bluetooth_address)
  • Bluetooth Name (adb shell settings get secure bluetooth_name)
  • Timezone (adb shell getprop persist.sys.timezone)
  • USB Configuration (adb shell getprop persist.sys.usb.config)
  • Storage Size (adb shell getprop storage.mmc.size)
  • Notification Sound (adb shell getprop ro.config.notification_sound)
  • Alerm Alert (adb shell getprop ro.config.alarm_alert)
  • Ringtone (adb shell getprop ro.config.ringtone)
  • Media Sound (adb shell getprop rro.config.media_sound)
  • Device Time (adb shell date)
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_info"

Option 2 - Execute Live Commands

This option executes various Linux commands.
  • adb shell id
  • adb shell uname -a
  • adb shell cat /proc/version
  • adb shell uptime
  • adb shell printenv
  • adb shell cat /proc/partitions
  • adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
  • adb shell cat /proc/diskstats
  • adb shell df
  • adb shell df -ah
  • adb shell mount
  • adb shell ip address show wlan0
  • adb shell ifconfig -a
  • adb shell netstat -an
  • adb shell lsof
  • adb shell ps -ef
  • adb shell top -n 1
  • adb shell cat /proc/sched_debug
  • adb shell vmstat
  • adb shell sysctl -a
  • adb shell ime list
  • adb shell service list
  • adb shell logcat -S -b all
  • adb shell logcat -d -b all V:*
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_live"

Option 3 - Execute Package Manager commands

This option executes various Android Package Manager commands.
  • adb shell pm get-max-users
  • adb shell pm list users
  • adb shell pm list features
  • adb shell pm list instrumentation
  • adb shell pm list libraries -f
  • adb shell pm list packages -f
  • adb shell pm list packages -f -u
  • adb shell pm list permissions -f
  • adb shell cat /data/system/uiderrors.txt
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_package_manager"

Option 4 - Execute Bugreport and Dumpsys

This option executes Android Bugreport and Android Dumpsys commands.
  • adb bugreport
  • adb shell dumpsys 
  • adb shell dumpsys account
  • adb shell dumpsys activity
  • adb shell dumpsys alarm
  • adb shell dumpsys appops
  • adb shell dumpsys audio
  • adb shell dumpsys autofill
  • adb shell dumpsys backup
  • adb shell dumpsys battery
  • adb shell dumpsys batteryproperties
  • adb shell dumpsys batterystats
  • adb shell dumpsys bluetooth_manager
  • adb shell dumpsys carrier_config
  • adb shell dumpsys clipboard
  • adb shell dumpsys connectivity
  • adb shell dumpsys content
  • adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys dbinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys device_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys devicestoragemonitor
  • adb shell dumpsys diskstats
  • adb shell dumpsys display
  • adb shell dumpsys dropbox
  • adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
  • adb shell dumpsys location
  • adb shell dumpsys meminfo -a
  • adb shell dumpsys mount
  • adb shell dumpsys netpolicy
  • adb shell dumpsys netstats
  • adb shell dumpsys network_management
  • adb shell dumpsys network_score
  • adb shell dumpsys notification
  • adb shell dumpsys package
  • adb shell dumpsys password_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys permission
  • adb shell dumpsys phone
  • adb shell dumpsys power
  • adb shell dumpsys procstats --full-details
  • adb shell dumpsys restriction_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys sdhms
  • adb shell dumpsys sec_location
  • adb shell dumpsys secims
  • adb shell dumpsys search
  • adb shell dumpsys sensorservice
  • adb shell dumpsys settings
  • adb shell dumpsys shortcut
  • adb shell dumpsys stats
  • adb shell dumpsys statusbar
  • adb shell dumpsys storaged
  • adb shell dumpsys telecom
  • adb shell dumpsys usagestats
  • adb shell dumpsys user
  • adb shell dumpsys usb
  • adb shell dumpsys vibrator
  • adb shell dumpsys wallpaper
  • adb shell dumpsys wifi
  • adb shell dumpsys window
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_dumpsys".

Option 5 - Acquire an ADB Backup

This option creates an ADB Backup by executing the following command

adb backup -all -shared -system -apk -f "$BACKUP_DIR"/backup.ab

The command requires interaction with the device

The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_backup"

Option 6 - Acquire "/system" folder

This option pulls the "/system" folder and saves it locally, also as a tar file.
  • adb pull /system/
  • adb pull /system/app
  • adb pull /system/camerdata
  • adb pull /system/container
  • adb pull /system/etc
  • adb pull /system/fake-libs
  • adb pull /system/fonts
  • adb pull /system/framework
  • adb pull /system/hidden
  • adb pull /system/lib
  • adb pull /system/lib64
  • adb pull /system/media
  • adb pull /system/priv-app
  • adb pull /system/saiv
  • adb pull /system/tts
  • adb pull /system/usr
  • adb pull /system/vendor
  • adb pull /system/xbin

The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_system"

Option 7 - Acquire "/sdcard" folder

This option pulls the "/sdcard" folder and saves it locally, also as a tar file.
  • adb pull /scard
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_sdcard"

Option 8 - Extract APK files from "/data" folder

This option pulls APK files from "/data" and "/vendor" folder and saves them locally, also as a tar file.

$SHELL_COMMAND pm list packages -f -u > ${APK_DIR}/${ANDROID_ID}_apk_list.txt


echo "[*] Pulling APK files"
while read -r line
IFS='/' read -ra tokens <<<"$target_file"

if [[ ${apk_type} != "system" ]]; then
    mkdir -p ${APK_DIR}/${apk_type}/${app_folder}/${app_path}
    $PULL_COMMAND $target_file ${APK_DIR}/${apk_type}/${app_folder}/${app_path}/${apk_name}
done < "$SELECTED_FILE"    

The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_apk"

Option 9 - Extract data from Content Providers

This option extracts data from Android Content Providers.
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://downloads/my_downloads
  • adb shell content query --uri content://downloads/download
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/file
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/images/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/images/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/genres
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/playlists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/artists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/albums
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/video/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/video/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/file
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/images/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/images/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/genres
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/playlists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/artists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/albums
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/video/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/video/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/ringtone
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/alarm_alert
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/notification_sound
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/global
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/bookmarks
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://nwkinfo/nwkinfo/carriers
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/bluetooth_devices
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/powersavings_appsettings
  • adb shell content query --uri content://user_dictionary/words
  • adb shell content query --uri content://browser/bookmarks
  • adb shell content query --uri content://browser/searches
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri content://
  • adb shell content query --uri  content://
The output is saved in the following path (relative to the script path): "${ANDROID_ID}/${date +"%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S"}_contentprovider"


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