Recipe: EVTX, LogParser, Perl

A long time ago...

It has been a long time since last post, I must sadly admit that. I could argue with many good reasons for this silence, but it's better to avoid useless-reasonable thoughts. I'll say just a couple of things: first, I'd like to share my 2cents so it was not a matter of will; secondarily it's not a matter of missing topics. But sharing is tiresome and labored especially when dealing with DFIR and using a different language (that could be easily spotted, couldn't it?). Finally time scheduling for blogging got 0 slots, and this is the result. OK, let's keep in mind these gold thoughts and let's go (a little) further.


As everybody knows, the EVTX is the Windows Event Log File format used in Microsoft Windows OSes starting from Vista/2008 up to now. When facing with Windows XP / 2003, the event log file format used was EVT. There exist on the Net enough resources describing in (great?) details these formats. In the DFIR the EVTX files could/should play an important role during analysis. What tools can we use to interface with them?


To the best of my knowledge there are few ways to parse and analyze an EVTX file. It must be mentioned the great work by Andreas Schuster, Evtx Parser (Perl) but the gold medal goes to Microsoft LogParser (downloadable here). On the Microsoft site the tool is described as "a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows® operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory®". LogParser can do a lot of really useful stuffs, not only on EVTX and it's not limited on parsing but it owns powerful processing functionalities: unfortunately, it runs only in Windows OSes. I personally don't like so much un-portability but with LogParser you can do interesting fast&furious analysis/processing.

Ok, EVTX, LogParser and... Perl?

There are many resources on the Net describing LogParser usages, this post will not cover them. Since LogParser cannot do everything, it could be useful to add a layer able to apply some logic. What's better than Perl (Python/Ruby/Java/.Net/etc.)? By using LogParser to hide EVTX format management and to filter desired data, one can process those outputs with a script to, for example, to summarize data, to detect anomalies automatically and so on.

Got recipe, what mission?

Recalling Harlan Carvey and Perl scripts that work on EVT Windows Log files, I needed the same processing of EVTX files. By using LogParser and Perl I was able to quickly write two scripts called and

This script's goal is to provide an overview and a summary of an EVTX file, at least of what I feel to be a good summary. In the next box is shown the script's result on a Security.evtx file.
EVenTX RePorT version 20120331
using Microsoft LogParser, summarize EVTX files
copyright 2012 Francesco Picasso

Source Name                                      Event ID Count
-----------                                      -------- -----
Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog                       1100     426
Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog                       1101     12
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4608     467
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4616     194
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4624     7571
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4634     1110
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4647     443
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4648     2142
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4672     6299
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4717     6
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4720     3
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4722     3
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4724     200
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4726     4
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4728     3
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4729     4
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4731     6
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4732     3
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4733     4
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4734     6
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4735     6
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4738     200
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4902     467
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4904     165
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4905     165
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              4907     8761
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              5024     467
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              5033     467
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              5038     2
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing              5056     467

-------------------- Data Range (UTC) ------------------
2010-02-23 10:19:14
2012-03-30 21:02:00

--------- Year/Month distribution -------------

Year Month Count
       01   0
       02   224
       03   1837
       04   1534
       05   1509
       06   1305
       07   1298
       08   2206
       09   2311
       10   1439
       11   137
       12   268

       01   325
       02   137
       03   3452
       04   5859
       05   1015
       06   510
       07   633
       08   380
       09   514
       10   606
       11   265
       12   510

       01   606
       02   409
       03   784
       04   0
       05   0
       06   0
       07   0
       08   0
       09   0
       10   0
       11   0
       12   0
In the next box is shown the script's result on a Application.evtx file.

EVenTX RePorT version 20120331
using Microsoft LogParser, summarize EVTX files
copyright 2012 Francesco Picasso

Source Name                                      Event ID Count
-----------                                      -------- -----
.NET Runtime Optimization Service                1101     6
.NET Runtime Optimization Service                1130     78
Application Error                                1000     164
Application Error                                1005     1
Application Hang                                 1002     51
Brother BrLog                                    1001     417
Brother BrLog                                    1002     63
COM+                                             781      1
Chkdsk                                           26212    3
Chkdsk                                           26213    1
Chkdsk                                           26214    1
Customer Experience Improvement Program          1005     1
Desktop Window Manager                           9002     1
Desktop Window Manager                           9003     2
Desktop Window Manager                           9007     2
Desktop Window Manager                           9009     635
Desktop Window Manager                           9010     2
Desktop Window Manager                           9013     2
Desktop Window Manager                           9016     224
ESENT                                            102      438
ESENT                                            103      93
ESENT                                            210      6
ESENT                                            213      3
ESENT                                            215      3
ESENT                                            220      6
ESENT                                            221      3
ESENT                                            222      3
ESENT                                            223      3
ESENT                                            224      1
ESENT                                            225      2
ESENT                                            300      344
ESENT                                            301      370
ESENT                                            302      344
ESENT                                            411      1
ESENT                                            440      1
ESENT                                            488      1
ESENT                                            609      42
ESENT                                            612      42
ESENT                                            619      2
ESENT                                            626      40
EventSystem                                      4625     689
HHCTRL                                           1903     16
HHCTRL                                           1904     206
HPSrv                                            105      664
ITSS                                             1        2
Microsoft Office 12                              2000     1
Microsoft-Windows-Backup                         753      9
Microsoft-Windows-Backup                         754      4
Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2                          513      2
Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2                          4097     17
Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2                          4107     513
Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2                          4109     21
Microsoft-Windows-Defrag                         258      115
Microsoft-Windows-LoadPerf                       1000     1105
Microsoft-Windows-LoadPerf                       1001     1100
Microsoft-Windows-LoadPerf                       1002     46
Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager                 10000    527
Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager                 10001    526
Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager                 10002    10
Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager                 10005    90
Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager                 10010    9
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1508     4
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1530     183
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1531     689
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1532     623
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1534     1
Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service          1542     4
Microsoft-Windows-Winsrv                         10001    21
Microsoft-Windows-Winsrv                         10002    25
MsiInstaller                                     1001     4
MsiInstaller                                     1004     4
MsiInstaller                                     1005     1
MsiInstaller                                     1015     1
MsiInstaller                                     1022     207
MsiInstaller                                     1024     1
MsiInstaller                                     1025     1
MsiInstaller                                     1029     21
MsiInstaller                                     1031     20
MsiInstaller                                     1033     183
MsiInstaller                                     1034     53
MsiInstaller                                     1035     312
MsiInstaller                                     1036     208
MsiInstaller                                     1038     24
MsiInstaller                                     1040     441
MsiInstaller                                     1042     441
MsiInstaller                                     10005    1
MsiInstaller                                     11310    1
MsiInstaller                                     11701    2
MsiInstaller                                     11707    178
MsiInstaller                                     11708    4
MsiInstaller                                     11719    1
MsiInstaller                                     11724    50
MsiInstaller                                     11725    2
MsiInstaller                                     11728    230
MsiInstaller                                     11729    4
MsiInstaller                                     11730    1
MsiInstaller                                     11923    45
MsiInstaller                                     11935    2
Outlook                                          29       22
Outlook                                          30       2
Outlook                                          31       1
PerfNet                                          2004     29
RasClient                                        20221    819
RasClient                                        20222    776
RasClient                                        20223    738
RasClient                                        20224    738
RasClient                                        20225    703
RasClient                                        20226    716
RasClient                                        20227    116
STacSV                                           65535    2
SecurityCenter                                   1        673
SecurityCenter                                   11       3
ServiceLayer                                     0        41
SideBySide                                       33       34
SignInAssistant                                  0        357
Software Protection Platform Service             900      744
Software Protection Platform Service             902      744
Software Protection Platform Service             903      697
Software Protection Platform Service             1003     753
Software Protection Platform Service             1004     127
Software Protection Platform Service             1007     1
Software Protection Platform Service             1009     1
Software Protection Platform Service             1011     1
Software Protection Platform Service             1013     1
Software Protection Platform Service             1016     2
Software Protection Platform Service             1025     1
Software Protection Platform Service             1033     75
Software Protection Platform Service             1040     2
Software Protection Platform Service             1066     744
Software Protection Platform Service             8200     6
Software Protection Platform Service             8208     6
Software Protection Platform Service             12304    1
Software Protection Platform Service             12305    1
System Restore                                   8194     213
System Restore                                   8195     1
System Restore                                   8196     2
System Restore                                   8199     1
System Restore                                   8202     1
System Restore                                   8212     17
System Restore                                   8215     1
TomTomHOMEService                                10000    7
VMware NAT Service                               1000     1393
VSS                                              13       2
VSS                                              8193     2
VSS                                              8212     5
VSS                                              8219     6
VSS                                              8224     369
VSS                                              12293    11
VSS                                              12305    1
WinMgmt                                          63       2
WinMgmt                                          5611     61
WinMgmt                                          5615     689
WinMgmt                                          5617     689
Windows Activation Technologies                  1        7
Windows Activation Technologies                  2        7
Windows Activation Technologies                  10       7
Windows Activation Technologies                  11       1
Windows Activation Technologies                  13       7
Windows Activation Technologies                  15       7
Windows Activation Technologies                  18       7
Windows Error Reporting                          1001     535
Windows Search Service                           1003     385
Windows Search Service                           1004     1
Windows Search Service                           1005     1
Windows Search Service                           1008     1
Windows Search Service                           1010     1
Windows Search Service                           1013     40
Windows Search Service                           3036     208
Windows Search Service                           4121     1
Winlogon                                         4004     29
Winlogon                                         4005     1
Winlogon                                         4101     689
Wlclntfy                                         6000     1943
Wlclntfy                                         6004     2
ufad-ws60                                        1        8
vmauthd                                          100      2
vmauthd                                          1000     296
vmware-converter-agent                           1        2

-------------------- Data Range (UTC) ------------------
2009-10-23 15:26:06
2012-03-30 21:33:25

--------- Year/Month distribution -------------

Year Month Count
       01   0
       02   0
       03   0
       04   0
       05   0
       06   0
       07   0
       08   0
       09   0
       10   1790
       11   2301
       12   2437

       01   2147
       02   713
       03   1779
       04   1568
       05   1138
       06   1268
       07   1164
       08   2198
       09   2006
       10   1303
       11   135
       12   323

       01   226
       02   86
       03   716
       04   823
       05   904
       06   480
       07   546
       08   392
       09   424
       10   493
       11   241
       12   380

       01   767
       02   560
       03   1098
       04   0
       05   0
       06   0
       07   0
       08   0
       09   0
       10   0
       11   0
       12   0

This script's goal is to make some basic checks on an EVTX file to quickly point out anomalies (at least of what I need to be spotted). In the next boxes are shown the script's results on the same Security.evtx and Application.evtx files analyzed by the previous script.

EVenTX CHECKer version 20120331
using Microsoft LogParser, makes basic checks on EVTX files
copyright 2012 Francesco Picasso

Total Records in 'Security.evtx': 30073

----- Missing Records Detection -----

First Record Number: 9675
Last  Record Number: 39747

no missing records detected

----- Back in Time Detection (Tolerance: 60 secs) -----

no back time jumps detected

----- ComputerName(s) -----

ComputerNames(s) used: 1


EVenTX CHECKer version 20120331
using Microsoft LogParser, makes basic checks on EVTX files
copyright 2012 Francesco Picasso

Total Records in 'Application.evtx': 30406

----- Missing Records Detection -----

First Record Number: 1
Last  Record Number: 30410

no missing records detected

----- Back in Time Detection (Tolerance: 60 secs) -----

no back time jumps detected

----- ComputerName(s) -----

ComputerNames(s) used: 2

DETECTED 1 changes
- Set to '37l4247e29-32'
  at RecordNumber: 1, Event: 4625, Time: 2009-10-23 15:26
- Set to 'hpw'
  at RecordNumber: 91, Event: 4625, Time: 2009-10-23 15:30:37


Note: it could be useful to deepen in the SuppressDuplicate mechanism used by Windows to suppress some repeating events. This feature impacts both records sequence (holes) and "back in time detection": I saw the SuppressDuplicate Event message being shown completely de-synched in time (days...).

Download and feedback

As written in the post, both scripts are based on the LogParser utility, which should be in PATH. The two scripts are downloadable from the  Hotoloti repository (as usual). Waiting for your feedback.


  1. EvtxCheck is a great idea! Event IDs and their corresponding time stamps are a fantastic way to identify system time tampering. Log Parser is one of my favorite tools. Thank you for writing the script.

    1. Hi Chad, I really appreciate your feedback, thanks!

      Regarding "evtxcheck" script and system time tampering: there exist some "false positive". For example the "SuppressDuplicate" event could point out that there are holes in Event IDs and time tampering: I *brutally* tried to avoid that by checking the event ID number (see code), but I cannot assure that's the right way.

      Moreover I'm facing a case where script (correctly) points out many "back in time points": by manually checking them I saw some late shutdown event and other stuffs I need to understand.

  2. These scripts are great resources for performing analysis. I included a "-s" switch with (for XP/2003 EVT files) that would list all records, in order by record number, with the corresponding TimeGenerated value...this would allow you to see possible system time changes clearly.

    Thanks to what's being audited/recorded in the new Windows Event Log, there's a great deal more analysis that can be performed.

    1. Hi Harlan, thanks for your feedback too!
      I will download your updated script once replied.

      I agree with you that in Windows Event Logs there are a lot of information that should be analyzed. Unfortunately not all events I'm interested in (or, better, not all situations that cause events generation) are straightforward to me and it's quite hard to find references. There exist many testing to be done...

  3. Some of the things you can get from Windows Event Logs on Win7 are discussed in chapter 4 of "Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit 3/e".

    1. I have all your books apart this... That another reason to fill the gap :)
      Thank you!


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